Saturday, January 14, 2012

#16: Find a Pilates/Yoga class and attend 5 times

When I told my friend Chelsea Paxton, who teaches yoga in Tulsa, OK, that I was looking for a studio in OKC, she encouraged me to visit Spirit House Yoga and attend one of Martha McQuaid’s classes. Chelsea and I lived in Boston together (and now we are both in OK!), and she is aware of my previous Pilates/Yoga practices and the ski accident that resulted in my back injury. I completely trusted her recommendation, and the weekend after Thanksgiving I went to my first class at Spirit House Yoga (SHY).

I was a bit nervous returning to yoga practice; every time I’d attempted yoga post-ski accident I always ended up feeling like I had been hit by a truck the next day. I intentionally arrived at SHY a bit early so that I could speak with Martha, and her co-teacher and husband Ted, about my injury. They were incredibly welcoming and very willing to work with me so that I could experience a pain-free yoga class, but also to begin to heal my back. My first class with Martha and Ted was so positive that after class I asked Martha if I could give her a hug.

Since I attended my first class a little over a month ago now, I’ve been back ten times, definitely achieving my 30 for 30 goal! Recently, it struck me that some of my 30 for 30 “goals” that began as items to check off my list actually have the potential to change and shape my life long-term. Thinking about my desire to continue yoga as a long-term commitment to myself is exciting and inspiring.

I have experienced a great deal of transition in my life over the past three and a half months, and I am so grateful to have found a yoga studio that is helping me continue my journey to a more balanced life while working my body, mind and spirit. SHY has given me a place to continue to ask life’s questions, yet encourages me to find happiness in the present and sitting with the unknown.

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